Spring Festival Activities from Confucius Institute at Assumption University (CIAU), Thailand


      Before Spring Festival, CIAU organized various Chinese New Year activities at Assumption University, Assumption College Rayong, Assumption College of English Programs, which give the Thai teachers and staff, students of different levels and their parents the opportunities to get a better understanding of Spring Festival. The activities include Chinese performances, exhibitions and experiences. The activities are popular and more than 6000 Thai are involved.

春节送祝福 Chinese character, Happiness

庆春节,学剪纸  Showing their papercuts

 学踢毽子,过健康春节  Shuttlecock, healthy Chinese New Year

 庆春节,展示中国功夫  Chinese Kung Fu

孔子学院教师带来中国歌曲大串烧 Chinese songs from CIAU teachers

回答有关春节的问题拿红包  Q and A about Spring Festival with bonus

泰国小学生送上新年祝福  Chinese New Year Wishes from a Thai pupil and his CIAU teacher

中泰一家亲  The Chinese and Thai are just like a family

泰国易三仓大学校长班查修士携孔子学院全体人员送上春节祝福  Spring Festival wishes from President of Assumption University and CIAU



      We wish you a happy Chinese New Year with abundant joys and happiness. We wish China and Thailand prosperity and friendship.